
Video: Vettel wants to restore his old bikes

Vettel antwortet auf Fanfragen

Vettel antwortet auf Fanfragen

In Corona times, Formula 1 star Sebastian Vettel (32) even does things he normally wouldn’t do.

For his employer Ferrari and some fan questions, he has now made an exception and opens up from the sofa at home.

He also reveals that he wants to use his free time to tinker with his vintage motorcycles.

Vettel: “I hope that I can get to it. It might be a good idea to look at some old pistons and screws before you go crazy.”

Vettel also says that he would have become an engineer if Formula 1 hadn’t worked. “Before my professional career, when I finished school, I actually planned to go to university and study mechanical engineering. It still fascinates me to see how exactly things work and to understand exactly what is happening in our car.”

The German even suggests looking back in this direction after his active career in Formula 1: “Of course I have developed many other interests in the meantime, but that could be something for the future.”

Important: Vettel started his video with a call to the people about the corona crisis: “Take the topic seriously, take care of yourself and take care of the elderly.”

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